Communities of Interest (COIs) are groups of Arkansas Library Association (ArLA) members who choose to organize around a type of library, type of activity, a special interest, or geographic area in order to further the mission of the ArLA. These groups are subject to ArLA rules. COIs are a benefit of membership and all voting ArLA members may join and participate in as many COIs as they choose. All internal workings of the COI are at the discretion of the members. They decide how to select chair(s), govern themselves, etc. The only ongoing requirement of an ArLA Community of Interest is to submit an annual report and a current contact person. A group must have at least fifteen (15) ArLA members to form a COI. Bylaws are optional at the discretion of the group (a sample bylaws template will be provided on the ArLA website to assist COIs should they want to govern with bylaws). The contact person from each COI will attend board meetings as liaisons between the governing body and interest groups. The interactive petition to form will be automatically sent to the ArLA Executive Board. If using the PDF form, email it to
Who do I contact to join a Community of Interest?
Arkansas Libraries for Everyone (ALE)
Contact: Jessica Riedmueller, Chair
jriedmueller@uca.eduArkansas Library Paraprofessionals (ALPS)
Contact: Jobe, Chair
jjobe@cals.orgCollege and University Librarians of Arkansas (CULAR)
Contact: Britt Anne Murphy, Chair
murphyb@hendrix.eduCommunity of School Librarians And Library Educators (COSLLE)
Contacts: Quanta Wyatt, Co-Chair
Rachel Shankles, Co-Chair
shankles08@gmail.comMental and Emotional Lives of Library Workers (MELLW)
Contact: Amanda Moore, Chair
amanda.moore.dmin@gmail.comPublic Libraries & Trustees
Contact: Betsy Fisher, Chair
ccl.director@arkansas.govReference & Instruction Services (RISci)
Contact: Jessica Kirk, Chair
j.kirk_arla@pm.meTwo Year Colleges Community of Interest (TYCci)
Contact: Tina Bradley, Chair
tbradley@asumh.eduWMS CI
Contact: Britt Anne Murphy, Chair
murphyb@hendrix.eduYouth Services
Contact: Tiffany Hough, Chair
though@gclibrary.comCommunities of Interest Forms
Petition to Form (interactive)
Bylaws Template (example only)
Funding Request