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Arkansas Library Association Mentoring Program

    Resources: Books, Articles, Websites


  • 1.     Axelrod, W. (2019). 10 steps to successful mentoring. Association for Talent Development.
  • 2.     Blanchard, K., & Diaz-Ortiz, C. (2017). One minute mentoring: How to find and work with a mentor – and why you’ll benefit from being one. William Morrow.
  • 3.     Cory, T., & Sinha, R. (2006). New librarian, new job: Practical advice for managing the transition. Scarecrow Press.
  • 4.     Fain, L.Z., & Zachary, L.J. (2020). Bridging differences for better mentoring. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • 5.     Lee, M.K. (2011). Mentoring in the library: Building for the Future. ALA Editions.
  • 6.     Mavrinac, M.A., & Stymest, K. (2013). Pay it forward: Mentoring new information professionals. American Library Association.
  • 7.     Maxwell, J.C. (2008). Mentoring 101: What every leader needs to know. HarperCollins Leadership.
  • 8.     Metz, R.F. (2011). Coaching in the library: A management strategy for achieving excellence. (2nd ed.) American Library Association.
  • 9.     Miller, S.J. (2023). The ultimate guide to great mentorship: 13 roles to making a true impact. HarperCollins Leadership.
  • 10.  Rolfe, A. (2022). Mentoring mindset, skills, and tools 10th anniversary edition: Everything you need to know and do to make mentoring work! Mentoring Works.
  • 11.  Shea, G.F. (1999). Making the most of being mentored: How to grow from a mentoring partnership. American Library Association.
  • 12.  Smallwood, C., & Tolley-Stokes, R. (2011). Mentoring in librarianship: Essays on working with adults and students to further the profession. McFarland.
  • 13.  Starr, J. (2021). The mentoring manual. (2nd ed.). Pearson Business.
  • 14.  Stoddard, D., & Tamasy, R. (2009). The heart of mentoring: Ten proven principles for developing people to their fullest potential. NavPress.
  • 15.  Stueart, R.D., & Sullivan, M. (2010). Developing library leaders: A how-to-do-it manual for coaching, team building, and mentoring library staff. Neal-Schuman Publishers Inc.
  • 16.  Zachary, L.J., & Fischler, L.A. (2009). The mentee’s guide: Making mentoring work for you. (1st ed.). Jossey-Bass.
  • 17.  Zachary, L.J., & Fain, L.Z. (2022). The mentor’s guide: Facilitating effective learning relationships. (3rd ed.). Jossey-Bass.


  • 1.     Ackerman, E., Hunter, J., & Wilkinson, Z.T. (2018). The availability and effectiveness of research supports for early career academic librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(5), 553-568.
  • 2.     Chopra, V., & Saint, S. (2017, November 7). What mentors wish their mentees knew. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 1-5.
  • 3.     Fyn, A. (2013). Peer group mentoring relationships and the role of narrative. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 39(4), 330-334.
  • 4.     Gallo, A. (2011). Demystifying mentoring. Harvard Business Review.
  • 5.     Goodsett, M., & Walsh, A. (2015). Building a strong foundation: Mentoring programs for novice tenure-track librarians in academic libraries. College and Research Libraries, 76(7), 914-933.
  • 6.     Gotian, R., Pfund, C., Cook, C. & Johnson, W.B. (2022, July 29). Don’t let mentoring burn you out. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 1-7.
  • 7.     Horoszowski, M. (2020, January 21). How to build a great relationship with a mentor. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-4.
  • 8.     Ibarra, H. (2022). How to do sponsorship right. Harvard Business Review, 100(6), 110-119.
  • 9.     James, J.M., Rayner, A., & Bruno, J. (2015). Are you my mentor? New perspectives and research on informal mentorship. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(5), 532-539.
  • 10.  Johnson, W.B., Smith, D.G. (2019, December 30). Real mentorship starts with company culture, not formal programs. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-5.
  • 11.  Johnson, W.B., Smith, D.G. (2018, January 23). The best mentors think like Michelangelo. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-5.
  • 12.  Johnson, W.B., Smith, D.G., Haythornthwaite, J. (2020, July 17). Why your mentorship program isn’t working. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-5.
  • 13.  Jordan, A. (2019). An examination of formal mentoring relationships in librarianship. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(6), 1-9.
  • 14.  Lacy, M., & Copeland, A. (2013). The role of programs in LIS education and in professional development. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 54(1), 135-146.
  • 15.  Moore, A.A., Miller, M.J., Pitchford, V.J., & Ling, H.J. (2008) Mentoring in the millennium: New views, climate, and action. New Library World, 109 (1/2), 75-86.
  • 16.  Neyer, L., & Yelinek, K. (2011). Beyond boomer meets nextgen: Examining mentoring practices among Pennsylvania Academic Librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(3), 215-221.
  • 17.  Olivas, A., & Ma, R. (2009). Increasing retention rates in minority librarians through mentoring. Electronic Journal of Academic & Special Librarianship, 10(3), 1-5.
  • 18.  Omadeke, J. (2024, June 5). The importance of setting boundaries with your mentor. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 1-7.
  • 19.  Priyadarshini, P., & Sandvik, J. (2022). Why your mentoring program should be mandatory. Harvard Business Review, 100(5), 17-21.
  • 20.  Ranganathan, K., & Englesbe, M. (2024, January 2). How to mentor more people – and not get burned out. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 1-6.
  • 21.  Robbeloth, A., Eng, A., & Weiss, S. (2013). Disconnect between literature and libraries: The availability of mentoring programs for academic librarians. Endnotes, 4(1), 1-19.
  • 22.  Rubbi Nunan J.L., Ebrahim, A.B., & Stander, M.W. (2023, August 1). Mentoring in the workplace: Exploring the experiences of mentor-mentee relations. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 49, 1-11.
  • 23.  Tjan, A.K. (2017, February 27). What the best mentors do. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-4.
  • 24.  Wensil, B.F., & Heath, K. (2020, July 2). Mentors, stop saying “I understand.” Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-6.
  • 25.  Williams, G.H. (2019). Mentoring mid-career: Reflections on fostering a culture of mentorship for experienced librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(2), 171-173.
  • 26.  Willyerd, K. (2014, February 21). Engage a mentor with a short-term project. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles. p 2-4.




1.     Coaching and Mentoring Network - Articles

2.     Developing the Mentor/Protégé Relationship

3.     Mentoring

4.     Mentoring Group

5.     Partnership for Success: Learn how having a mentor can help you develop personally and professionally

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