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Poster Proposals

Submitting a poster is a great way to highlight library programs, initiatives, and collaborations without committing to a full presentation! Posters will be on display in the Convention Center throughout the 2024 ArLA Conference so attendees can walk through and see them at their leisure. Then, there will be a 2 hour block on Saturday, October 5 where anyone that has a poster can answer any questions attendees may have about the poster displays.

Poster proposals may describe an innovative library program; an analysis of a solution to a problem; a report of a research study; or provide any other information that would benefit the ArLA community. Posters will be evaluated by the Conference Program Subcommittee on:

* Relevancy and interest of the content to the ArLA community; and

* Clarity of the submitted abstract

Please have poster proposals submitted by September 15th!

Poster proposals can be submitted at

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