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Records Manangement Committee

Current Committee Members

Jean Waldrop, Chair
Harding University

Liz DiPrince
University of Central Arkansas

Elizabeth Parish


Mission & Responsibilities

The Arkansas Library Association Records Management Committee is charged with: developing standard best practices for managing and sharing association working documents; developing a records management policy, including guidance for archives, for ArLA and adding it to the Handbook; and supervising a clean-up and reorganization of the ArLA Dropbox as well as developing policies and procedures for future use and management of the Dropbox.

Duties of the Committee: 

  • 1.      Draft and recommend best practices policy for managing association and committee documents.
  • 2.      Work with liaisons from other committees and communities of interest to assist them in standardizing their record keeping.
  • 3.      Prioritize and establish a system for maintaining the document lifecycle: including the creation, use, access, retrieval, storage and destruction of records.
  • 4.      Determine which documents are vital to the association and which will not be accepted or kept.
  • 5.      Draft policy for records retention schedule, and determine path for destruction of records at the end of lifecycle, or transfer to institution responsible for managing association's archives.

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