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School Librarians Summer Conference by COSLLE of ArLA

  • 31 Jul 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Jonesboro Public Library -315 Oak St
  • 17



This all day workshop is sponsored by COSLLE- Community of School Librarians and Library Educators in Arkansas Library Association.

It is $15 per person, lunch provided, and space is limited ; presenters will be Cassandra Barnett of DESE on  collection  Development in Uncertain Times; Rich Davis, AR illustrator of many books lncluding the Tiny series and Friday comes on Tuesday; and AR author Talya Tate Boerner who writes the Delta  

Child column for Farm Bureau Magazine and has three teen books out now.

hours of PD provided.

Hostesses of the workshop are Rachel Shankles and Quant Wyatt, co chairs of COSLLE.

You do not have to be a member of CoSLLE or ArLA. 

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